Twister Trailer
Twister Trailer relies on V Strategy to provide all marketing and PR services, as well as creative direction. We handle their sponsorship and endorsee management, PR, media placement, social media and creative direction of their ads, brochures, and trade show materials. We also act in a consultative capacity to add input on the industry, and product development/positioning.
Twister needed a better “brand” feel. After developing this, they wanted some rockstar advertisements. We utilized a branded look and feel based on industry research and got them some great looking ads that fit with their premium trailers, and making use of their endorsees. These ads link with their website, brochure and tradeshow look/feel. We also manage their national sponsorships with the USTRC and NRHA and numerous endorsees.
V Strategy also negotiated editorial and ad buys in leading industry publications. These strategic buys (along with the other integrated efforts) lead to increased brand awareness in their target market, more dealers, and more trailer orders in two months than the previous 12 months.